Sunday, May 11, 2014

Hey... where in the world is Kelbey Chronicles?

Hey there peeps! Some of you may be wondering where in the world is Kelbey Chronicles? I have not fallen off the face of the earth.  I have been living life as it comes.  This blog is about life, laughs, love and the Living Water. Well since my last post I have experienced a little bit of all of that and then some.

LIFE: As a first born, type A personality I have an unruly tendency to want life to be as controlled as possible. The Lord is graciously and patiently teaching me that He is in control and I am not!  So during the month of March I experienced some unexpected life challenges. I had to have outpatient surgery.  For a fitness professional it was not something I looked forward to nor had planned on needing. I came through that well, thank God. There were a few challenges afterward but I refuse to allow myself to become defined by diagnosis or prognosis. Amen. I am well. Healed and Whole: spirit, soul and body.  Also during March I had to attend IEP meetings for some of my children who receive special education services. If you have never had to deal with these meetings, consider yourself blessed!  If you have and come out without wanting to physically injure someone who is part of the child study team, including yourself, you are blessed!  I advocate for my children which sometimes takes school professionals by surprise. Contrary to popular belief, it is not always well received! I really don't know why not!  So the meetings I attend for my children can sometimes go long or require additional meetings simply because I know my children's rights and I don't believe the hype! A little stressful for someone recovering from surgery. LOL.

LAUGHS: Laughs had been a little hard to come by, if I am totally honest and transparent. I was feeling stressed and wondering how was I going to get everything done I needed to do for that month. This blog was not even on the list. However, most of my much needed comic relief I received from a group of ladies that I blog with on a monthly basis.  We are Pro31 Women's Compendium. Pro31  We are four Christian ladies from different backgrounds who love Jesus. God has brought us together. We are different and yet we are the same. It is amazing when I read our blogs.  We receive a topic and we write...we don't discuss. We write and it's posted. Every time there is a thread of God's anointing through every post. Amazing truly. So back to the laughs. Well one of our recent topics, Frazzled, hit home and blessed me so much.  We have a real comedian in our group. She is so appreciated! We all have different perspectives and yet we often have similar revelations. The Lord Our God is One. We each have a gifted way of sharing our hearts that I know not only ministers to each of us but ministers to those who read the blog.  I am thankful to be amongst them. They each encourage my heart and have special places there as well.

LOVE: Love is a topic that is often overused and abused.  I don't want to cheapen it with little cute anecdotes about love because the truth of the matter it is complex.  God is Love. Love is a spirit because God is a Spirit.  Through the difficulties of life we learn the truth about what love is and what  it isn't. We learn what it looks like and what it doesn't. We learn what it says and what it doesn't say.  We learn that we have not loved as we ought and we learn that we can learn to love better. None of this love stuff is easy. I don't care if it's with your spouse, your parents, your siblings, your children or extended family. God has to be the source you go to when you don't know how to figure it out, no matter what relationship.  He is the one who has shed His love abroad in our hearts. See previous post Surrender to Love. So needless to say, I was given ample opportunity during my recovery process and the crazy month of March to learn about surrendering to love. Still surrendering. I will leave it at that.

LIVING WATER: During my time away from posting I had two ministry opportunities where I needed to allow the Living Water to flow.  Daily we are to draw from this spring that never runs dry but when you are given ministry responsibilities that take you somewhat out of your comfort zone you must learn how to draw differently.  In one of the first posts to Kelbey Chronicles, I spoke about how women in biblical times were responsible for drawing water for the family.  I didn't really expound on it much then and I won't now but I will say it is a lesson I am learning. It is interesting how God takes the revelation He gives you and then creates situations in which you must put that word or revelation in action by faith.  It is not enough to just have knowledge of something unless you know its rightful application. Wisdom is the application of knowledge.  Holy Spirit is faithful.  I received Living Water and life sprung forth in ways I did not expect.  Revelation came that I did not expect. New ministry was birthed that I did not expect. In my weakness, He made me strong-in ways I did not expect. My only desire was to be obedient. When we are willing and obedient, we do receive the "good" of the land.

So that is where Kelbey Chronicles has been lately, still here.  I am drawing more deeply from my well for more of the Living Water.  Thankfully, through these past few weeks away I can still testify that El Roi, the God (Living One) who see me is Faithful and is closer than ever.  He is the air I am breathing. So like Hagar (see previous post, Well...See) I am reminded that I am fully known...and seen...even if no one else knows where I am or where I have been.  I am at my well, Beer-lahai-roi, sometimes out of necessity but most often out of pure desire, drinking freely of the Living Water.

© Ronda Wagner and Kelbey Chronicles, 2013-2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Ronda Wagner and Kelbey Chronicles with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.